Post by Splash on Sept 10, 2005 16:50:31 GMT 10
That was the final episode I needed to see out of the series. Lousy Nine and their freaking time-slot changes Agreed about Monster Mash, but I still think my favourite Mrs. Weir moment is when she asks Sam if he thinks he might have worms.
Post by harvey on Sept 10, 2005 17:54:39 GMT 10
does anyone still watch the show? as much as i love it i dont think i could watch it again for many many years....ive jsut seen it too many times.
Post by KibblesTheRocker on Sept 10, 2005 23:29:21 GMT 10
I'm currently in a dormancy period.
Post by Steve McCroski on Sept 11, 2005 2:36:59 GMT 10
I started watching Undeclared today. That was the first time I've ever seen it and I did laugh a lot.
"Do you have a condom?" "Yes, I have eight."
I need to rewatch Freaks And Geeks soon, I've only seen the series once which is sad, but I've got Law And Order and Deadwood and Errol Morris' First Person and The X Files... And... So much.
Oh, and a uni degree to do.
Post by Natalie on Sept 11, 2005 2:56:38 GMT 10
Mrs. Weir singing "Monster Mash" is still one of the most disturbing moments of television for me. (Sorry to talk about the show so much...I'll stop now) Uh huh, uber disturbing and so very, very adorable. I wish my mum would do that instead of farting all the time. I like how she makes Lindsay tell Sam he has a beautiful body. Hot. Nope not since I got the yearbook. I'm waiting until I forget all of the good bits so I can immerse myself in it again. Undeclared, likewise. Me too! But screw uni, who needs it? Oh, The X-Files how I've missed you so.
Post by Steve McCroski on Sept 11, 2005 3:00:08 GMT 10
Yes, I've missed it very much as well, but I don't have the first two seasons, and until I get them - I'm not going to get the plastic cases, I want those foldout ones, they look nicer - then I can't rewatch them. Well, I do have episodes I love watching over and over but I want to start from the beginning. And I never watched the last season.
Post by Natalie on Sept 11, 2005 3:54:59 GMT 10
Which do I have? The fold out ones? Hmm I don't even know...my bad. I think the foldout.
You didn't watch the last season so you haven't seen the end? Crapola!
Post by Steve McCroski on Sept 11, 2005 3:56:25 GMT 10
Well, I will steal them and leave the signature in its placed. Problem solvered.
I've seen the last episode, I just didn't like watching the Doggett episodes and sub-stories.
Post by Steve McCroski on Sept 11, 2005 4:09:36 GMT 10
Yeah, that's right, The Wire. And Arrested Development. And Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And rewatch The Trapdoor.
Post by Natalie on Sept 11, 2005 4:26:00 GMT 10
Don't hate on Doggett... he tried.
I was kind of getting into the whole Reyes/Doggett thing. I was feeling it.
Post by Steve McCroski on Sept 11, 2005 4:27:25 GMT 10
I didn't give it enough chance. I had too much Mulder love going on.
Post by Natalie on Sept 11, 2005 4:43:51 GMT 10
Mulder and Scully rocked the house, okay? But things change and you have to move on.
Mulder was always there in spirit... popping up on the odd occasion, sending Scully emails, checking up on baby William. Lost but not forgotten.
Post by Steve McCroski on Sept 11, 2005 4:46:06 GMT 10
Yes, not forgotten. True. But who wants the T-1000 when you can have Mulder? Hrm.
You hear they are in the process of making another X Files movie?
Post by Natalie on Sept 11, 2005 4:56:41 GMT 10
So, they started filming already? I think I'll cream my pants when I see it.
I bet you enjoyed the episode with Mulder in his red speedos.
Post by Steve McCroski on Sept 11, 2005 4:58:21 GMT 10
No, not yet, but they plan on filming it next year. It will be very good. I'll see it on the first day and buy popcorn.
I enjoy the episode where Scully sings "Jeremiah was a bullfrog..." to Mulder in the woods.