Post by Splash on Apr 8, 2004 16:45:59 GMT 10
Well now that you mention it, what the fuck is up with that Log Lady anyway? Not a Twin Peaks fan, Brian?
Post by The Horrible Brian on Apr 8, 2004 17:06:55 GMT 10
Not a Twin Peaks fan, Brian? Well no, not yet anyway. I still haven't gotten around to experiencing the many works of David Lynch.
Post by Cabineer on Apr 8, 2004 17:30:11 GMT 10
Oh and did you happen to catch the Counting Crows before they cut their Oz tour short? I can't believe you remembered that I like the Crows. Probably just so you can tease me about my taste in music. Anyway, the answer is no. The lead singer's grandmother kicked the bucket and all shows were cancelled. And do yourself a favour and borrow the entire series of TP. Then come back and worship my cool avatar.
Post by JCriquet on Apr 8, 2004 18:53:02 GMT 10
No one likes The Log Lady? I love the Log Lady, but i'faith, I didn't 'get it' until I'd seen the series. And I've still only seen the first series. Kudos, though. The only reason I didn't mention it was that I knew what it was by the time this whole "what is your avatar" debacle started. Well no, not yet anyway. I still haven't gotten around to experiencing the many works of David Lynch. I've [so far] only seen Mulholland Dr. and only the first season of Twin Peaks. But if you can get TP, I urge you to do so: next to Freaks and Geeks and Six Feet Under it's quite possibly the most addictive show I've ever seen.
Post by Splash on Apr 8, 2004 22:29:31 GMT 10
I've [so far] only seen Mulholland Dr. and only the first season of Twin Peaks. But if you can get TP, I urge you to do so: next to Freaks and Geeks and Six Feet Under it's quite possibly the most addictive show I've ever seen. Blanket endorsement of all things David Lynch from Splash.
Post by Mike on Apr 11, 2004 20:10:46 GMT 10
Mike, I like your avatar too, but it's even more puzzling to me than pilonv1's. my avatar is from a film
Post by JCriquet on Apr 12, 2004 11:32:46 GMT 10
Tell me more about this (this?) Kaki. Do you have a copy?
Post by Mike on Apr 12, 2004 22:13:48 GMT 10
hmm, well, thats not the film i was refering to, but i am intreiged by this Kaki! Its actually from www.ichithekiller.net/
Post by Ferrero on Aug 1, 2007 22:52:16 GMT 10
So just to confirm... the only version of the Freaks and Geeks DVD available for purchase new from online stores is the standard (as opposed to super special limited edition) version (copies of which are probably available on eBay but what do I care?)? Although, given the choice, I'd probably still go for the standard version as extras really don't interest me very much, it would still be comforting to know that I don't really have a choice in the matter when I get around to buying it (finally!). Thx.
Post by Not Andrew on Aug 4, 2007 21:23:54 GMT 10
Why are you bumping all these old threads?
Post by Splash on Aug 16, 2007 11:44:58 GMT 10
Because he likes his threads like he likes his men.
Post by Ferrero on Sept 4, 2007 12:28:27 GMT 10
Yep. Old and bumpy.